Sunday, August 24, 2008

Future Posts

Hi all! I have been getting requests for doing a few posts, so here is my ever expanding list. Do you have any other suggestions?
  • My total collection - photos and list
  • *L*s first birthday party
  • *T* and his digger toys
  • More looks - I take photos and forget to blog :)
  • Review of Kat Von D eyeshadows
  • Review of Origins products
  • Allure product win (yes!)
  • Photos of the kids bath...once I get done painting it
I am open for any suggestions and questions. :) I love to get simply to know that I have readers out there! Sometimes I feel like I am shouting in to an echo chamber. Ha!

Hugs, Mamade

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cherry-licious haul

I am so happy...with a cherry on top!

Shadowy Lady quad
Cherry Blossom l/g
Jampacked l/g
Cult of Cherry l/g
Rich & Ripe l/g
Liqueur l/g
Lightly Ripe l/s
O l/s
So Scarlet l/s
Kirsh mattene
Bing mattene

Heritage Rouge pigment
Antiqued Green pigment
Blonde's Gold pigment
sample of Copperbeam pigment
Hepcat pan e/s (thanks, Laura)
Bitter pan e/s (instead of the Tempting quad)
Clear brow finisher - she says all the MAs use it instead of prep & prime lips to keep the reds from feathering. So far it is working. :)

I spoke to the manager (who did this look) and she said that I can come to the September job fair and sign on as a freelancer. I am SO EXCITED! I also signed up for the Pro class this coming October. I cannot wait to go...anyone up for me practicing on their face?

She used Sharp, Hepcat, and Shadowy Bing with Jampacked. Love it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ape Caves

Hi everyone. Part of this blog is supposed to be about the kids and I keep putting off posting photos and videos of them. But no longer! Here is a video of *L* checking out the fountain at Grammie and Papa house this past weekend. Can you believe this girl is almost a year old? Geesh the year has flown by. Her party is coming up and everything will be princess pink - pink cupcakes, pink meringues, pink punch... And I cannot wait to show you her poofy dress. It's precious!

So, we went to the Mount St. Helen's Ape Caves this past weekend. It was about 100 degrees outside and the cave is about 42! On our way there, we went to Chief Lelooska's museum. When I was a kid, our school would go up to watch the dancing and listen to the music. You can still see them preform so I hope to take the kids. Then up to the Ape Caves which is a lava tube made about 1900 years ago. How amazing is it that it was made not long after the time of Jesus! It was like we stepped in to a blast furnace when we exited in to the heat.

So, there you go. Finally a good post about the munchkins!

Hugs, Mamade

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cult of Cherry

MAC's newest campaigns, Cult of Cherry and Overrich are online! Only two more days until I get to check them out in person when I go in for my Cult of Cherry makeover. My list is long for what I want, but once I see them in person, that may all change. I want:
  • Shadowy Lady quad
  • O lipstick (a perm I don't have for some unknown reason, it's gorgeous)
  • So Scarlet lipstick (gorgeous berry kind of red)
  • Rich & Ripe lipglass (still on the fence about this one)
  • Cult of Cherry lipglass
  • Liquor lipglass
  • Jampacked lipglass
  • Kirsh mattene
  • Bing mattene
  • Antique Green pigment
  • Heritage Rouge pigment
  • Blonde's Gold pigment

It's a huge haul, but since the past few collections have underwhelmed me, I guess I am making up for it! I'll post some looks once I get them in my hot little hands. I may also pick up Bitter since I love the look above, but have no desire to buy the Tempting quad just for Sharp.

Hugs, Mamade

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thanks for reading...

Hello all. I am back to blogging and will try to be better at getting them done with more consistancy. While on vacation in So Cal, I learned that my friend M and her sister C read my blog (they are fellow MAC addicts). This past weekend, I found out that childhood friends, T and D, also read my blog. How exciting that I have 4 readers! Happy dance!!! Thank you all for reading. Please leave me comments and let me know what you'd like me to gab about. Makeup, kids, etc. You guy's really made my day to find out that I actually have readers out there! :)

Hugs, Mamade